
Your BIA Update

The Port Stanley BIA is made up of all of your local merchants and commercial property owners.  We had a most wonderful AGM in early March where our membership passed the budget and we all had a great discussion and despite knowing the bridge would be under construction, we were excited for 2020.  In the works was an Open Late campaign once again led by James Street and Apropos & Apropos for men, Dickens’ Days organized by Lady Savannah Fashion Boutique, a  new lighting/sculpture project for both the end of William and Main Streets……….and so much more.

Then Covid-19 hit.

Almost none of what the Board of Management proposed would work. A survey was sent out and consequently, we have asked the Council of The Municipality of Central Elgin to reverse the bylaw which imposed the levy.  This means there is no budget for 2020.  Allowing businesses to save funds wherever possible to survive this pandemic became a bigger priority.

The board has a small amount of money in a surplus fund and we look forward to a better brighter update for 2021.

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